
June 15, 2017


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The Pitch: Two punishingly dark and heavy sludge and hardcore bands, LLNN from Copenhagen and Wovoka from LA, join forces for a powerful new split through Pelagic Records.  FFO Alaskan, Grim Van Doom, Inter Arma

What I Like: These two bands' sounds compliment eachother like nuts and bolts.  Both have an undeniably oppressive nature to them that seems to suck all positivity out of the room.  It's like a looming storm cloud blocking out all color and sunlight.  The world of Marks/Traces is a grey one; filled with malice and unwavering depression.  The vocals hit the listener like a bag of concrete lined with sandpaper.  They erupt directly from the bowels and knock you right on your ass.  When joined with the domineering chords and bloody splashes of snare and cymbal, it's all headed towards mutual destruction.  I've heard a lot of splits where there was one clear "winner," but with Marks/Traces it's a collaborative effort to make sure the only loser is the person who doesn't give it a listen.

Critiques: Nothing too unfamiliar here, though I notice Wovoka taking some chances with clean vocals (and succeeding imo).  For the genre this is really good stuff.  Maybe a few playful mathcore influences next time?

The Verdict: Both LLNN and Wovoka have outdone themselves with this one.  I love a good bleak, consistent, hardcore-tinged sludge album, and on that note Marks/Traces delivers the goods without a doubt.  Get it tomorrow (CD/Vinyl), and be sure to pick up both bands' most recent full lengths (LLNN/Wovoka) as they are definitely worth the cash.  Stream it early HERE.

Flight's Fav's: Swarms, Nostromo Falls, Traces