Young Gods

April 18, 2017


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The Pitch: A beatdown deathcore/metalcore concept album from UK's Martyr Defiled about "a bitter old man accused of being a witch. He is subsequently buried alive and whilst dying he calls to the dark gods to curse his killers."  FFO Malignancy, I Declare War, Traitors

What I Like: Some of these tracks are like crowd-killer catnip.  You listen to a song like "At The Throne of Salem," and when those downtempo parts kick in you just devolve into a violent ape.  Alternatively, Martyr Defiled also bring some catchy, groove-laden songs like "Their Souls are Mine," which have a more headbanging metalcore vibe.  This variation bodes well for the album as a whole and keeps things interesting.  With riffs ranging from melodeath-inspired palm muting to demolishing hardcore brutality, you get your money's worth.  The vocals have a fair range as well, even if it isn't all that broad in its reach.  Still, you're going to hear moments of more traditional shouting a la Hatebreed to parts like the end of "Through Famine, War, and Scorn" which nearly calls back to Primitive Man's...well...Scorn.  That last one concludes a 3 track sweet spot that solidified my decision to feature this album.

What I Don't Like: Aside from just being pretty typical of the genre, I've never been one for the "bro" vibes that albums like this give off.  I don't know these guys well enough to discern how seriously they take themselves, but judging from the concept they're thankfully not just about leg day.  I could do without the Knuckledust feature on "Carpe Noctem," which I feel hurts an otherwise good track.

The Verdict: Martyr Defiled prove that they could take the beatdown throne with the right direction and drive.  While Young Gods can be a bit inconsistent, and sometimes even a little ham-fisted, I am more than happy to shut off my neocortex and jam to these tunes.  Looking forward to seeing where these guys end up a few years from now.

Flight's Fav's: Through War, Famine & Scorn, Sow, and You Shall Reap, What Lies Beneath