The Sleepwalk Transmissions

May 9, 2019


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The Pitch: The new sci fi concept album inspired by Philip K Dick from UK metalcore/post-rock band We Never Learned To Live via Holy Roar Records. FFO: Underoath, Hopesfall, The Story So Far

What I Like: We Never Learned To Live represent an interesting union of sounds, listing everything from Deftones to Thursday as influences. The first half of this album had me drawing strong comparisons to Underoath with their alternations between hard-hitting metalcore aggression and poppier anthemic choruses. It's a highly dynamic and intensely melodic listen that knows exactly when to punch things up in the first half. Later on I found myself thinking more about The Story So Far as the tone shifts into more of a melancholic pop-punk territory, especially on the intensely catchy, D-beat driven "Luma  Non Luma."

Critiques: The second half loses some of the energy and dynamics; becoming bogged down in the moodier, post-metal side of things. I would have liked a little more metalcore influence here and there to keep me engaged.

The Verdict: The Sleepwalk Transmissions is a bit uneven in terms of quality, but the first 6 tracks or so bode well for the future. We Never Learned To Live have a sound ripe for mass consumption, and with the right direction they will go far.

Flight's Fav's: Luma  Non Luma, Permafrost, Android Anaesthetist

- Review by FlightOfIcarus

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