Part one of my recent inbox explosion of awesome label promotions. From the Hellmouth is a death metal band from Cleveland, Ohio. Fusing in musicianship from the thrash and groove metal worlds, this 5 song EP is more than enough to get you on your feet. It's fast, fun, and a totally righteous slice of the extreme.
The vocals envelope and invade your senses. This is death metal with personality. None of that single-tone barking. There is definitely a hint of Devildriver in both the growls and groovy riffs. But From the Hellmouth has more old school influence and less mainstream appeal. Nevertheless, the meaty chug to the guitar compliments the sheer intensity of the vox. "To Infest the Mind" also uses some subtle key additions to further the aesthetic.
But my personal favorites, that put their hooks in me like pinhead himself, were "Eat the Blade" and "We Rise." These are absolute thrashers full of catchy guitar hooks, memorable lyrics, and drum violence ripe for some great live performances. This ferocity is nicely offset by the slower march of impending doom that closes the former track. The start stop riffs in the latter allow the proclamations of the vocalist to hit that much harder.
In the end, From the Hellmouth definitely has some common influences. The Haunted comes to mind, but there is also a heavier dose of the brutal side as seen in Morbid Angel-sounding tracks like "Carved from the Flesh of God." Whatever your particular taste, I am confident that these dudes from Cleveland have something in their wheelhouse to satisfy the urges. Buy it today for just $5.