The Pitch: Unique Leader Records delivers the consistently slamming new EP from Toronto technical deathcore/death metal band Brand of Sacrifice. FFO: Within Destruction, Born Of Osiris, Whitechapel
What I Like: Just another all-around impressive release. These tight little 15 minutes are packed to the gills with exciting riffage, techy drumming, and brutal vocals. Furthermore, the production is top notch; truly allowing every musician to shine. Incorporating "ancient" instruments like sitar, harp, lyre and many others, Brand Of Sacrifice seek to broaden their sound beyond their already proficient death metal performances. This approach lends an extra sense of atmosphere to tracks like "Eclipse" without sounding gimmicky or overshadowing the core sound. Think a more restrained version of Born Of Osiris, but with Mitch (RIP) of Suicide Silence on vocals.
Critiques: Nothing particularly special or original happening here; just some damn fine modern death metal.
The Verdict: The Interestice takes the best elements from death metal, slam, and deathcore to create an album that is equal parts crushing and catchy. The grooves will suck you in, but the pummeling breakdowns and sickening bree's will rip the limbs from your torso.
Flight's Fav's: Casca, Conviction, Millennium
- Review by FlightOfIcarus
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