The Heavenly Blacksmith

Aug. 15, 2017


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Listen to Tsar Stangra
Created with Highcharts 4.1.9ScoreAverage Score: 8.7InnovationMusicianshipEnjoyability012345678910

The Pitch: Bulgarian black/folk metal band Цар Стангра  (Tsar Stangra) founded in Canada. Небесният ковач "blends mysticism with uncommon elements found in today's pagan/folk black metal scene." FFO Negură Bunget, Drudkh, Rotting Christ, and Nokturnal Mortum.  Recorded by Antoine Baril (Augury, Symbolic) and album artwork by Paolo Girardi.

What I Like: Цар Стангра sound like they worship the old gods.  I don't speak Bulgarian, but this band delivers enough of their intention through tone and inflection that it really doesn't matter.  These wicked, Grutle-esque vocals, and occasional death growls, seem to be directed towards the sky, projected with arms raised from some secluded mountain range.  There's a certain ancestral weight that hangs from every syllable; the kind of historical depth you can only get from groups like Moonsorrow and Nokturnal Mortum. And the only thing arguably more passionate than the vocals are the guitar riffs.  From the morose tremolo melodies, to the solos, to the Windir-ish leads, it is all incredibly emotionally stirring.  I am particularly struck by the use of traditional acoustic instruments on "Сънят на героя."  This song is not only a profound veneration of classic regional music, but also an infectiously heavy good time.

Critiques: Небесният ковач is for the most part very well written with plenty of engaging textures.  But if I'm looking to give these guys some constructive feedback, I feel like some of these compositions could be trimmed down a little bit.  There's not too much fat to cut down, but snipping a measure here and there wouldn't hurt.  I'd also like to hear even more traditional instrumentation.

The Verdict: A robust blackened folk outing filled with reverence and mystic atmosphere.  Цар Стангра have covered a lot of ground for a band still in its early stages, and I am confident that they are only getting started.  Help this band take the next step by streaming and buying below.  Both digital and CD versions are only $8 US (plus shipping for the latter).

Flight's Fav's: Сънят на героя, На прощаване, Опълченците на Шипка

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