Shredding Over Substance

Dec. 7, 2016


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Created with Highcharts 4.1.9ScoreAverage Score: 8.0InnovationMusicianshipEnjoyability012345678910

The Pitch: Iron Bonehead unleashes blackened thrash and death metal from France filled with cavernous reverb.

What I Like: It's righteous to listen to.  Plenty of old school nostalgia and thrashy riffage, especially on the first proper track, "An Ankou."  For its simplicity, this short release doesn't overstay its welcome either.  Also, D-BEAT!

What I Don't Like: It's something I've certainly heard before.  Not really a bad thing, but there it is. 

Takeaway: Great fun for fans of groups like Zom and maybe even Celtic Frost.  Shredding over substance.  Bloodletting over brains.