Shoebox Companion

July 23, 2018


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The Pitch: Chicago band Lower Automation drop a new EP. "More mature and refined than Maps, yet equally chaotic and complex this new effort picks up where its predecessor left off, showing a bizarre and irresistibly alluring mix of punk, math and noise rock that sounds like a twisted jam session between members of Dillinger Escape Plan, At The Drive In, Jesus Lizard and Cave In."

What I Like: That pretty much sums things up. I might toss in a little These Arms Are Snakes and The Fall Of Troy, but otherwise that description holds. This EP is a flurry of disjointed, jazz-infused chaos. Lower Automation jam out like a pack of hyenas conducted by Les Claypool. And speaking of Primus, the riffs definitely draw on the maniacal style of Larry LaLonde right down to the choice of guitar tone. That aside, everyone brings something noteable to the table from the funky bass to the energetic drumming.  The latter is especially tasty on the intro to "Swing Flesh."

Critiques: Some of these tracks are a little heavy on the noise, light on strong composition. The results are inconsistent.

The Verdict: Shoebox Companion should delight fans of the mathcore and math rock. The resurgence continues thanks to Lower Automation and the other swell of groups dedicated to complex musicianship and having a good time.

Flight's Fav's: Coax, Cattle Prod Hypochondriac, Swing Flesh

- Review by FlightOfIcarus

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