The Pitch: Noisey, maniacal mathcore from Baltimore band Psijic and their new self-titled EP.
What I Like: Listening to Psijic is like being repeatedly kicked in the shins. At a swift and unlucky 13 minutes long, this EP pummels the listener with djenty blasts of groove backed by menacing, chaotic vocals that seem deeply uninterested in doing more than one take. Dude just goes all in and whatever comes out is what ends up on the track. But the pièce de résistance are the screeching Frontierer effects and incessant fretboard noodling of the likes of "We're Waiting" and "Fortune 500." The latter sounds more like a recording swarming of killer robotic bees than what most would characterize as "music."
Critiques: The EP could use a stronger opener and closer. The best stuff is all in the middle. It's like a tasty burger with a slightly stale bun.
The Verdict: Psijic is a sick band that have definitely caught my attention with this short but highly aggressive burst of madness. I'll defintiely be keeping tabs on them for more content, and for its length, there's really no excuse for you not to check this one out.
Flight's Fav's: Symptoms of Youth, We're Waiting
- Review by FlightOfIcarus
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