Premium Champion

April 16, 2019


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The Pitch: The destructive new EP from London blackened hardcore/grind crew Working Man's Club via Hominid Sounds. FFO: Full Of Hell, Nails, Trap Them

What I Like: Put most simply by the band, "It’s 6 minutes of discordant, fast hardcore...a melee of raucous guitars, pounding drums and guttural screams that doesn’t loosen its grip ’till its finished slapping you round the face." Raw, abrasive...and yet strangely catchy. Often music this noisey tumbles into haphazardous and ultimately forgettable territory. Anyone can beat on their instruments for 6 minutes for a bit of the ultraviolence, but it takes a certain level of vision and foresight to spin that chaos into something ruthlessly addictive. Thus is the case for Working Man's Club. It's a tightly wound EP brimming with hooks and memorable performances from all parties involved.

Critiques: Just give me more. 6 minutes is not nearly enough.

The Verdict: Premium Champion is insanely infectious. No joke, I listened to this EP no less than 10 times in a row the first time I pressed play. It may be short, but not a second is wasted: a masterwork of quality over quantity.

- Review by FlightOfIcarus

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