
Oct. 16, 2018


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Listen to Outre-Tombe

The Pitch: Québécois old school death metallers Outre-Tombe return with their second album of "grotesque graveyard anthems" via Temple of Mystery Records. FFO: Gruesome, Mammoth Grinder, Scorched

What I Like: I've heard OSDM in a number of languages, and I've heard a lot of the French in various other subgenres...but I can't think of another time I've heard these two things collide. When I think French, my mind tends to go to experimental black metal. Something about its stereotypically classist overtones doesn't seem to fit with the dank, sweaty world of old school death. And yet here we are. Ultimately, Outre-Tombe make it work to their benefit. In addition to providing more of the welcome D-beat-infused destruction I've become accustomed to in this world, the unique syllabic contortions of the vocal performance add another layer of intrigue that you aren't going to find anywhere else.

Critiques: Linguistics aside, it's otherwise same old same old. Gotta step up the riffs in this game.

The Verdict: Outre-Tombe bring a nice little twist to the world of old school death metal. I only hope that they can start infusing this unique flavor into the songwriting as well.  Even if they don't, you're gonna have a good time.

Flight's Fav's: Désintégration, L'Enfer Des Tranchées, Vengeance Spectrale

- Review by FlightOfIcarus

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