Lycanthropic Burrowing

July 14, 2017


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The Pitch: US occult black metal practitioners One Master unsheathe Lycanthropic Burrowing to the unsuspecting public via Eternal Death Records.  FFO: Ascension, Blaze of Perdition, Taake

What I Like: Lycanthropic Burrowing is a ruthless cacophony of mirthless black metal oppression.  Driven by fervent, unapologetic blast and D-beats, One Master dispatch a series of blows that will leave you bruised and trembling in the corner.  And as the drums deliver this unyielding show of physical aggression, the imposing riffs deliver a torment of the psychological...if not metaphysical.  The vocals are equally spiritually destructive, channeling the likes of Hoest and Ghaal in their grim rallying cries.

Critiques: One Master have an impressive sound, but they don't really bring anything new to the table either.

The Verdict: A fairly typical but highly aggressive and domineering black metal release at just the right length.  If you're simply looking for a little more hellfire in your headphones, pick this up today.

Flight's Fav's: The Claws of Dionysus, Will Of The Shadow, The Black Bat