The Pitch: Moscow band fuse Southern rock and hardcore (I call it "Southern-fried hardcore)" a la Every Time I Die with more than a touch of Motorhead.
What I Like: The riffs! The groove! The energy! The Cowbell! This is just one of those albums begging for a 30 rack of Keystone Light and a PA system. If you needed a pick-me-up today, you have most certainly found it. The hooks and solos on this thing absolutley rip, as do the punky bass grooves. And despite the clear influence of ETID right down to the pink logo, The Barber end up sounding like their own entity largely in part due to swinging even further into hard rock territory.
What I Don't Like: I'm out of beer.
The Verdict: This surely is what keeps people warm in Russia when the vodka runs dry. It makes me happy to find this kind of music and energy in all corners of the world.
Flight's Fav's: Burn Not Leaving Ash, One Same Blood, White Rabbits