
March 26, 2019


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The Pitch: The debut album from blackened hardcore destructors Totaled presented via Profound Lore Records. FFO: Bastard Feast, Hellkeeper, Wake

What I Like: Like a massive storm rolling over the horizon, Totaled is 100% true to their namesake. Theirs is an unholy union of fuming black metal and ferocious hardcore capable of incredible wakes of destruction. Lament is one part raging D-beats and wailing guitars a la Converge, two parts imposing atmosphere and ensorcelling Emperor-esque tremolos. Massive guitars, rumbling punk basslines, and devastating drums erect a towering, reverb-soaked wall of sound that dwarfs anything in its immediate vicinity. The eerie introduction "Deplete" and brief interlude "Ominous" serve only to further accentuate the album's apocalyptic sound. They're but the call of the Four Horseman and the eye of the storm. And it's all capped off by the 7+ minute "Bereft," a devastatingly sorrowful conclusion to an already powerful experience.

Critiques: A few more unique touches would step this thing up to another level.

The Verdict: I'm already a big believer in this genre, but Totaled are among the most blackened of hardcore groups I've come across to date. Even the cover art looks more like something that would grace a Marduk album. Then they toss in a positively fiery guitar solo and I'm butter. In any case, Lament is a sick f#%king album that fans of hardcore and black metal alike should not miss in 2019.

Flight's Fav's: As Below, Eclipsed, Transience

- Review by FlightOfIcarus

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