Sweden’s been leading a renaissance of heavy metal for the past decade and a half, with more quality acts forming in their country than one can possibly keep up with. Whether it’s been bands like Enforcer, Portrait, or RAM (to name a few) there’s been something for everyone and each one has pulled together a slightly different cocktail of influences. One of the groups that has steadily been on the rise in Swedish heavy metal is Ambush, who have released two full lengths to date since their formation in 2013 and now have returned with album number three, Infidel. It’s been almost four and a half years since the last time we heard from these guys and they clearly haven’t been taking things easy, as the ten tracks come roaring out of the gate with high energy riffs and plenty of variety.
They may not be deviating that far from what made their first two albums so appealing, but it feels like this time around Ambush is offering more of everything and broadening their horizons in a way that comes across as natural rather than forced. The title track kicks things off with soaring guitar leads and a fast tempo that will make you want to jump in your car and go speeding down the highway. From there the songwriting shakes things up and moves between tempos on a regular basis, capturing some ballads that take on a darker tone and even some slight glam influences though they don’t double down on it like Enforcer did on their last effort. What separates these guys from the pack is the quality of their riffs, as no matter what speed they’re going there remains some sort of catchy hook to strike your interest and keep you engaged in everything they have to offer. It’s evident that in the four years that have passed since Desecrator the group spent a lot of time writing and honing their ideas until they got them down to these ten tracks, as there isn’t a dull moment to be found. Infidel also boasts strong production values as the guitar tone has a warm and inviting feel while still having just the right amount of bite, and Ambush is able to put just a little bit of modern sheen on the classic heavy metal sound.
Heavy metal lives and dies by the capabilities of its vocalist, and this is one area where Oskar Jacobsson has always propelled the band upwards. He’s got an incredible amount of range and control over it, which leads to everything from anthemic choruses where his voice soars over the recording in a way that’s similar to a lot of power metal as well as falsettos that would make some 80s singers in their prime jealous. There’s an immense amount of energy to the performance no matter which pitch Jacobsson is going for throughout Infidel, and it elevates the material to a truly standout level.
Ambush has always found a way to keep their take on heavy metal fresh while still paying tribute to their idols, and they’ve done it once again with album number three. They’re able to vary the tempo and move between blisteringly fast paced riffs and mid-tempo rockers with ease, all while having the hooks to keep listeners wanting to spin this record from beginning to end on a regular basis. RAM took the crown for Swedish heavy metal last year and Ambush is looking like a serious contender for 2020, as it’ll take a lot to top this one. Infidel is available from High Roller Records.
-Review by Chris Dahlberg
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