Icelandic Invasion

Jan. 9, 2017


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Created with Highcharts 4.1.9ScoreAverage Score: 8.0InnovationMusicianshipEnjoyability012345678910

The Pitch: Signal Rex delivers the debut album from Iceland's latest black and death metal band, Draugsól.  The country that brought us Zhrine is far from finished with us.

What I Like: Power and presence.  These tormentors have it in spades.  If you ever wondered what Ethan McCarthy (Primitive Man, Vermin Womb) might sound like fronting a black/blackened death project, speculate no further.  These vocals are loathsome.  I also enjoy the mixed approach to the guitar.  The captivating riffs range from your more standard modern black metal to melodic solos and sometimes viking metal.  I'm also impressed with the bands ability to harness these shifts in style to keep a 9 minute song from ever going stale.

What I Don't Like: On that last point above, sometimes Draugsól is more successful at it than others.  While "Formæling" ebbs and flows perfectly, other tracks like "Bót Eður Viðsjá Við illu Aðkasti" feel a little clunky and meandering in comparison.

The Verdict: While I think there is room for improvement on Volaða Land, Draugsól proove with their strongest compositions that they are a band prepared to take on more established acts across the metal spectrum.

Flight's Fav's: "Formæling," "Holdleysa"