The Pitch: Callifornia gind/hardcore band Elder Devil (members of Cabin Fire and Keeper/Plastic Bag Facemask) get their latest EP reissued on limited cassette via Medusa Crush Recordings. "Drawing on movies such as ‘The Witch’ and ‘Antichrist’, with styles ranging from bands like Cult Leader and The Secret, Elder Devil’s debut EP strikes a chord and leaves many ligature marks." Bonus points for cover art by Ethan Lee McCarthy (of Primitive Man, Vermin Womb)
What I Like: I know that this is a packaged as a grindcore album, but "Deep Vices" has some strong The Chariot vibes. That sludgy opening trudge of bass and drums with the screamed prose is pure Josh Scogin. The influences persist throughout this EP, and that is definitely not a bad thing. Elder Devil have taken a sound I deeply mourned since 2012's One Wing and cranked up the RPM's almost double. The vocals are vicious razorblade-filled pipe bombs exploding in rapid sequence, and the instrumentation is an overclocked, mechanized orgy of noise. It's not until the very abrupt ending of "Needless" that I truly recognized the assault I just put my ears through. Everything here is presented as fast and ferocious as possible, backed by relentless blastbeats and with looming bass guitar breaks in just the right places.
Critiques: I wouldn't change a thing about this EP. A few points docked in terms of originality, but everything else is totally on point.
The Verdict: "I have stared into the abyss...and it will keep staring back!" Great vocals, great music; a highly enjoyable experience. I fear the damage these guys will do on stage. Must buy. Name your price for download, pick up the cassette HERE.
Flight's Fav's: Deep Vices, Speechless, Needless
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