
Nov. 9, 2018


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Listen to Cold Night For Alligators

The Pitch: Copenhagen-based progressive metal band Cold Night For Alligators break from the region's typically blackened sound for a more melodic outing via Long Branch Records. FFO: Textures, Tesseract, Circles

What I Like: I am most impressed with how this album opens. "Violent Design" is an all around incredible song; placing front and center Cold Night For Alligator's extensive range from abrasive hardcore to melodic, progressive rock. The contrast of the vicious intro with the catchy choruses and post-metal infused verses is clearly the work of songwriters wise beyond their years. Other tracks like "Canaille" and "Black Swan" further illustrate the band's very Texures-like ability to traverse between these various modes in a way that is incredibly infectious. The proggy, djenty guitar grooves and of course Johan's rock solid vocal performance worm their way in and get those dopamine transmitters firing in a big way. At times compositions rise to a level of atmosphere and musicianship on par with everything from Tesseract to Animals As Leaders.

Critiques: Personally, I don't find the second half to be as interesting. With the exception of "Soulless City," it feels markedy softer overall, emphasizing a more rock-oriented sound. Don't get me wrong, the circling synths and jazzy soloing on "Get Rid Of The Walls" are still impressive...just not exactly my pace.

The Verdict: Fervor is a well-written and powerfully performed album worthy of the ranks of much larger bands. While some may be turned off by their softer side, A Cold Night For Alligators are undeniably talented musicians and adept composers. Definitely check this one out today.

Flight's Fav's: Violent Design, Canaille, Soulless City

- Review by FlightOfIcarus

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