Eat Bricks

Feb. 10, 2017


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The Pitch: Dallas-based deathcore dudes dilligently devour downtuned decadence.  FFO Villains, Traitors, Immoralist

What I Like: Dave over at the always hard-working Earsplit PR put it best saying "Yeah it's more appropriate for eating bricks, not yoga class."  And then followed up with, "I'm all out of bricks."  Dave, if you're reading this, I told you I might steal your line.  I think that pretty much sums up this entire album.  I came into the morning I listened to Life Through Torment simply wanting something stupid heavy, and that is exactly what I got.  You may want to punch something, you'll probably do some serious curled-lip bass face, and you may have the sudden urge to watch Fight Club again.

What I Don't Like: If you were looking for some complexity, shredding, new ideas...this is not the place to look.  I'm not putting down the album as sometimes we really do just need to get a little primitive, but if you want to get critical there it is.

The Verdict: Turn off neocortex, grab blunt object, press play.

Flight's Fav's: C.O.S.L, Morality Hangs, Forgive Me