The Pitch: Hardcore with HM-2 death metal flair from France's Death Whore and their new self titled EP. FFO: Wolf King, Left Behind, Jesus Piece
What I Like: If you see flashing lights and police tape outside of my house, there's a good chance it was because I gave Death Whore a few too many spins. Combining back to basics hardcore fury with the classic HM-2 distortion of old school death metal, this EP can only end in violence. With song titles like "One Knife Cut," "I'm Into Murders," and simply "Violence," it's a 21 minute tightly balled fist of ferociously hoarse vocals, crunchy riffs, and pummeling D-beat that may put anyone in close proximity in danger.
Critiques: You've heard this before, but do you really care when it's this good?
The Verdict: Everything about this album rips. And while they're not winning any accolades for exciting new innovations, Death Whore make up for it by ramping the intensity factor to 11.
Flight's Fav's: Prey, Deciever, One Knife Cut
- Review by FlightOfIcarus
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