The Pitch: German brutal technical death metal band Cytotoxin brace for the fallout with more Chernobyl-influenced mayhem on Nuklearth via Unique Leader Records. FFO: Dying Fetus, Aborted, Exocrine
What I Like: As I've said a few times now on the channel, I'm generally not a big fan of the more brutal end of the technical death metal spectrum. Once a band ventures too far into pure slam and gutteral territory, I tend to lose interest. But when a band can adeptly meld those sickening elements into a broader sound, count me in. Enter Cytotoxin and their nuclear fallout-themed mayhem. My introduction to this band was 2017's Gammageddon. And while I initially turned my nose up at the gas masks and seeming gimmicks, it promptly made me its bitch and ended up being one of my favorite albums of that year.
And count me even MORE hyped when Cytoxin dropped the music video for "Dominus," as in addition to stepping up their usual technical chops, this track also sees them expanding into more melodic, proggy, and jazzy elements a la labelmates Krosis and Exocrine. Much of this album still sticks to sickening gurgles and a snare tone that sounds like the head has reached critical mass - speaking of which the drum fills on this album are spectacular - but I really appreciate that the band is making steps to diversifiy and increase the complexity of their songwriting. Regardless what you think, everything that was great before is still in top form. I also like the almost Archspire-y syncopated parts on "Soul Harvester." But yeah, the snarls are sick, the grooves run like water, and the sweeps are more dizzying than ever.
Critiques: I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't have liked a little more of the experimental edge found on "Dominus," but that aside this is a delightful tech death jam to be sure.
The Verdict: Nuklearth is another crushing album from what I would argue is among the best of a new breed of burgeoning tech death bands. Paired with Cytotoxin's seeming focus on longevity as opposed to the status quo, this one is another no-brainer purchase for me.
Flight's Fav's: Dominus, Drown In Havoc, Soul Harvester
- Review by FlightOfIcarus
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