Brine Pool

May 2, 2017


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The Pitch: More blackened sludge and doom metal from the twisted corners of France.  This is Mudbath.  FFO Fange, Drouth, Mind Mold

What I Like: In a word, "swampy."  Between the band name, album title, and general aesthetic of the songs within; you're going to need a little rinse after this one.  Hearing Brine Pool is the sonic equivalent of trudging waist-deep through tepid, murky, filth.  It's in the buzzy distortion, it's in the dreary pace of the drums, it's in your goddam shoes.  Gnarly.  The only hope you'll find along the way is in the only slightly more melodic interlude, "Rejuvenate."

What I Don't Like: Much of this album is a little more on the slow side than I prefer.  A little more variation in speed and intensity would be nice.  More highs and lows.

The Verdict: All said and done, Brine Pool is a dismal experience mostly in the best of ways.  There is room for more variation and dynamics in my opinion, but those simply looking to sink into a grim abyss.

Flight's Fav's: Burn Brighter, End Up Cold