The Pitch: Punishing black and blackened death metal from NC's Hex Wound. FFO: Gorgoroth, In Twilight's Embrace, Vitriol
What I Like: Hex Wound have an utterly vitriolic sound that transmits pure violence over the airwaves much like the movie The Signal. It's a vicious combination of battering, Behemoth-y death metal and Ghaal-era Gorgoroth that seethes in its palpable obstinance. There's even a more dramatic vocal delivery on the title track that absolutely recalls some of the craziier moments on Ad Majorem Sathanas Gloriam. Machine gun blastbeats and double bass collide with loud, abrasive riffs in a similar fashinon as Vitriol's To Bathe From The Throat Of Cowardice last year. And true to their own stated influences, the atmosphere is pure Dark Funeral, instrumentation takes more than a few notes from the berating, bludgeoning qualities of Morbid Angel.
Critiques: The production is a little on the muddy side. Black metal has always been about a rawer sound, but here the instruments seem to be struggling against eachother for space in the mix. It's a little claustrophobic.
The Verdict: As far extreme metal EP's, Averse to the Universe is in the top tier when it comes to sheer aggression and bitterness. It's loud, it's confrontational, and you can get it right now on Bandcamp.
Flight's Fav's: Horror Form, Atomic Afterbirth
- Review by FlightOfIcarus
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