The Pitch: French DIY hardcore from Meüte. FFO Grieved, The Chariot, Converge
What I Like: I adore the combination of melodic, post-hardcore influences with the more direct and dark elements. Meüte expertly oscillate between these worlds similar to albums like Wars and Rumours of Wars and All We Love We Leave Behind. The vocals are impressive in their ability to deliver torrents of raw emotion; whether that be in English complimented by D-beat, in French against more subtle riffing, or (perhaps even more so) in the absence of music altogether as at the end of "M(e)ute." This is a tight package from the production choices to the lively performances; a fact made all the more impressive when considering that Alone Together was completed 100% by the band. If you've got the drive and the know-how, you can make it happen.
Critiques: Nothing much in the way of surprises or unique touches.
The Verdict: A solid, heavy, and dark hardcore release that I am glad was sent my way by a fan. Bandcamp is full of hidden gems, and this is certainly one worth your attention.
Flight's Fav's: Ubuntu, My World Died With That Smirk, M(e)ute