A Little Roy One On One

July 8, 2020


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The Pitch: Digging deep with this 2009 release from UK mathgrind band Wreck Of The Minotaur.

What I Like: As I write this, my mind is rapidly degrading from a combination of cabin fever, sleep deprivation, and general malaise; but there's a backlog of requests to get through and this absolute brain-melter of an EP just happens to be next. RIP my last grip on sanity. A Little Roy One On One is a raw and ragged slice of noisey mathgrind out of some sadist time capsule in the vein of Ed Gein and Psyopus. Sporadic bursts of panic chords and manically barked vocals herald the end times amidst earthquakes of blastbeats and Primus-y bass guitar. It’s the soundtrack to a city being swallowed by a sink hole with the occasional funky reprieve as it all comes crashing down. Honestly, I might welcome the collapse.

Critiques: Some tracks better balance catchiness and chaos than others. There are certain moments where the discordant elements are more grating than enjoyable, but given the brisk pace these never linger too long.

The Verdict: Always happy to find a hidden gem from any year, and this Wreck Of The Minotaur release most certainly falls into that category. It's crazy to think that I was still in grad school when this came out, but 11 years later I'm still just as into this same kind of sound.

Flight's Fav's: Big Money Stella, Hard Bodies Are Everywhere! Hand Me My Blade!

- Review by FlightOfIcarus

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