Portuguese Thrash

Feb. 9, 2017


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The Pitch: Portuguese thrash and groove metal quartet shred like crazy on this energetic sophomore album.

What I Like:  Tons of energy, plenty of presence.  The guitars, true to the thrash genre, bring plenty of hooks and solos to the mix that are sure to get your horns in the air and hair flying.  In a word, this is a fun album.  It combines elements of modern groove approaches with classic West Coast thrash like Exodus.  I also appreciate the occasional inclusion of clean (non-sappy) vocals as on "Heart and Bones."  I think it aids the overall flow of the album and provides the listener with some surprises.

What I Don't Like:  I'm not always sold on the vocals.  They are pretty strong most of the time, but there are moments where it feels a little too polished.  Worse, at times the pretty basic lyrical approach combined with the delivery come off as someone who is just reciting typical rebelious mores as opposed to actually feeling much for them.

The Verdict:  While I have hitpicks about aspects of vocals, one might argue that profound lyrics and earnest delivery are less impportant to thrash than killer riffs.  If you feel the same, this album could end up being a fast favorite.

Flight's Fav's: Red Silence, Halfborn, Hypersonic Generation