Cut His Throat

Feb. 21, 2017


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The Pitch: Argento Records presents the release of Irwell, the debut album from this Manchester, UK-based black metal outfit.  FFO Murg, Taake, Corpus Christii

What I Like: "Kill the pig!  Cut his throat!"  I love when black metal vocals are incomprehensibly vile; but become clear just long enough to say something truly malicious.  I get a of straight-forward, 2nd-wave styled black metal in my inbox, so I have to make a lot of decisions regarding what makes the cut.  Cold Fell is a good example of everything I look for in BM that isn't seeking to be innovative.  The production has a nice edge to it, the snarls are vicious, and the guitars are both ugly and catchy at the same time.  Not to mention the sudden eruptions of blastbeats can really get your motor running on tracks like "The Whip"...and have you heard that opening bassline on "Dream of Seppuku"?

What I Don't Like: The quality is a little inconsistent at times and some of the track lengths might benefit from a little tightening.

The Verdict: An affront to all things good and decent, and so a success when it comes to what makes a great black metal release.  Get it Friday.

Flight's Fav's: Bone Ceiling, The Whip (Armed To The Teeth), Dream of Seppuku