Leave The Crust On

May 1, 2017


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The Pitch:  Stockholm-based lycanthro punk/crust outfit Wolfbrigade delivers their 9th studio album straight to your face via Southern Lord.  FFO Martyrdöd, Motörhead, Graben

What I Like: If you enjoyed the popular album List last year, you're going to enjoy Run With The Hunted.  This release has that same D-beat-driven, metallic punk ferocity mixed with guitar solos and gruff vocals that would make Lemmy proud.  Dude sounds like he smokes 5 packs a day and washes each one down with a bottle of Jack.  I love how the riffs mix it up between sweaty, punk chord progressions and squealing blasts of rock and roll.  But what I like even more is how tracks like "Kallocain" and "Under The Bell" also infuse a certain level of folkiness into the melody.  Appropriately, Swedish melodeath influences seep in at times as well.  I even picked up on some Destroyer 666 vibes at certain moments.

What I Don't Like: The album loses some steam on a few tracks, which is especailly notable given the overall short length.  Nothing egregiously bad on here, but given the somewhat generic sound tied this style the energy should always be at 11.

The Verdict: An overall rip-rocking good time with plenty of speed and spirit to get you on your feet.  Those looking for little more than an excuse to start swinging their limbs should be wholly satisfied.

Flight's Fav's: Nomad Pack, Kallocain, Dead Cold