Feasting on Dark Intentions

July 10, 2017


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The Pitch: Hellthrasher Productions proudly presents the debut offering from my own local, Portland-based destroyers Hands of Thieves.  FFO: Lord Mantis, Cultes Des Ghoules, Vermin Womb

What I Like: I just love this guitar tone.  Like the bands I've compared them to above, Hands of Thieves sound absolutley filthy.  The sludgy, blackened grooves combine with the perfect choice of distortion to create a atmosphere of pure murk and depravity.  I've used this description before, but it applies just as well here: Feasting on Dark Intentions is our inner id come to life.  The album title could not be more accurate in it's summary of the overall aesthetic.  I haven't even mentioned the vocals yet, but let me just say that they are every bit as primal and terrifying as those of Charlie Fell or Indian.  All four of these tracks are oozing with satisfying, infectious waste like a draining cyst.

Critiques: The final track drags a little in comparison to the others, but overall you're getting a really consistent release.

The Verdict: Returning to the draining cyst analogy, Feasting on Dark Intentions is just like the Youtube videos on the topic: you know it's disgusting, every ounce of your being is repulsed; and yet there is a certain cathartic release and morbid fascination that will not let you look away.  Get it now.

Flight's Fav's: Wrath Weaver, Violated at Heart