INSANIAM Music Video Confuses Me

Dec. 12, 2016

So this is an interesting video, and one that is sure to divide audiences.  Insansiam are musically a modern black metal/blackened death metal act from Spain...but their visuals are bound to draw plenty of comparisons to the nü-metal movement.  Heck, some of these masks are more than a little similar to ones worn by groups like Slipknot and Mushroomhead.  Personally, this doesn't bother me.  This tune is plenty dark and catchy with some cool basslines that have gotten me listening to the full album.  Furthermore, I'll fully admit to being a fan of certain early "nü-metal" releases from the likes of Slipknot and Korn, and it seems hypocritical to me that one would chastise a group for wearing masks when they are fine with corpse paint and giant spikes on leather.  Yeah, I said it.  Anyways, I encourage you to watch the video and form your own opinions about it based more so on the music itself than anything else.  Feel free to drop a comment with your thoughts on our Facebook.